AgraStrip® Pro WATEX®
Validated Commodities
Welcome to the AgraStrip® Pro WATEX® - Validated Commodities page. Here, you’ll find all the details you need related to the commodities validated for the AgraStrip® Pro WATEX® mycotoxin test kits.
The validation of each matrix is a comprehensive process that involves testing naturally contaminated samples sourced from various regions, each with different contamination levels. This rigorous approach ensures that once a commodity is validated, the AgraStrip® Pro WATEX® test kits will consistently deliver reliable and accurate results for that particular commodity.
To access the details for your commodity of interest, please follow these simple steps:
- Select the relevant test kit from the drop-down list below.
- Choose the validated commodities that pertain to your needs.
The information will be displayed in a clear, table format for easy reference. If you need a printed version of your selected data, simply click the print button.
Can't find the commodity you need? Reach out to us!
We are continuously working to extend the list of validated commodities, and the one you need might be just around the corner.
We are committed to providing you with the most dependable tools for mycotoxin testing, backed by robust validation protocols that ensure performance you can trust.