SH-STEC Confirmation Reagents
RapidChek® CONFIRM™ STEC Confirmation Reagents
Microbiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
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The RapidChek® CONFIRM™ non-O157 STEC IMS confirmation kit uses specific, high-affinity antibodies, each attached to separate magnetic particles. Should any of the non-O157 STECs be present, it will bind to the magnetic particles via the antibody. When the sample is plated to selective agar for confirmation, E. coli O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, and O145 are the predominant colonies that form, increasing the likelihood of picking that organism from a plate.
Microbiología | Bacterias patógenas |
Tecnología/Aplicación | LFD |
Temperatura de almacenamiento | 2°C - 8°C |
Tipo de resultado | Cualitativo |
Producto/Medio ambiente | Monitoreo Ambiental, Pruebas de Producto |
Materials supplied in the standard product
- IMS beads
- PBST packets (3)
Materiales requeridos pero no suministrados
- magnetic separation rack
- vortex mixer
- microcentrifuge tubes
10001433 (7000290):
10001727 (7000290-O103):
10001728 (7000290-O111):
10001729 (7000290-O121):
10001730 (7000290-O145):
10001731 (7000290-O157):
10001732 (7000290-O26):
10001733 (7000290-O45):