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AgraQuant® Plus Macadamia

Allergens Noce di Macadamia ELISA Quantitativo


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Descrizione & Proprietà

The AgraQuant® Plus Macadamia is a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) designed for the quantitative analysis of macadamia nut residues in food samples. It features a fast extraction procedure with a unique capsule technology. The total assay time is reduced to 30 minutes, with only 1 minute needed for the extraction procedure. The total assay time is reduced to 30 minutes, with only 1 minute needed for the extraction procedure. Samples can vary from raw to processed foods, from environmental swabs to rinse water. This product is intended for laboratory use.
Intervallo di quantificazione/soglia1 - 25 ppm macadamia
Limite di rilevamento1 ppm macadamia (raw and finished products), 100 µg/L macadamia (rinse water), 0.1 µg/swab macadamia (swab testing)
Limite di quantificazione1 ppm macadamia (raw and finished products), 100 µg/L macadamia (rinse water), 0.1 µg/swab macadamia (swab testing)
AllergeniNoce di Macadamia
Temperatura di conservazione2°C - 8°C
Tipo di risultatoQuantitativo
Prodotto/ambienteEnvironmental Monitoring, Product Testing
Numero di pozzetti48


Materiali Forniti

  • 48 transfer wells sealed in a foil pouch
  • 48 antibody-coated microwells sealed in a foil pouch
  • 1 microwell strips frame
  • 5 ready-to-use standards (0; 1; 5; 10 and 25 ppm)
  • 1 bottle of 50 mL (20X) wash buffer
  • 1 green-capped bottle of conjugate solution
  • 1 blue-capped bottle of substrate solution
  • 1 red-capped bottle of stop solution
  • 1 bag of capsule extraction additive 1
  • 1 bag of capsule extraction additive 2

Materiali richiesti ma non forniti

  • Blender
  • analytical balance
  • 8-channel pipette
  • wash bottle
  • microwells/plate reader