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AgraStrip® Gluten G12®

Allergens Glutine LFD Qualitativo

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Descrizione & Proprietà

The AgraStrip® Gluten G12® test kit is a lateral flow device (LFD) designed for the on-site detection of gluten in raw materials, finished food products and beverages, rinse waters and environmental samples. The G12® antibody represents the next generation of gluten testing as it targets toxic peptides that trigger auto-immune reactions in people suffering from celiac disease. It is a monoclonal antibody that was raised against the immunotoxic 33-mer peptide from the gliadin fraction in gluten. Results obtained from immunochemical test systems based on the G12® antibody should be considered to be closer to the ideal of a food safety test as they establish the important link between celiac disease and detection of the immunotoxic peptides.
Limite di rilevamento5, 10, 20 ppm gluten (raw and finished products), 35 ppb gluten (rinse water), 4 µg/25 cm2 (swab testing)
Temperatura di conservazione15°C - 25°C
Tipo di risultatoQualitativo
Prodotto/ambienteEnvironmental Monitoring, Product Testing
ApprovazioniAOAC-RI 061403
Numero di test10


Materiali Forniti

  • 1 tube with 10 AgraStrip® Gluten G12® LFDs
  •  1 bottle of 35 mL ready-to-use extraction buffer with dropper cap (bottle A)
  • 1 bottle of 35 mL ready-to-use dilution buffer with dropper cap (bottle B)
  • 10 extraction tubes and caps
  • 10 filtered dropper tips for the extraction tubes
  • 10 dilution tubes with caps
  • 10 sterile swabs with pre-scored tips
  • 1 vial rack

Materiali richiesti ma non forniti

  • blender for solid samples