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CytoQuant® Electrolyte Solution

Microbiology Microorganismi indicatori Residui alimentari Citometro a flusso portatile Quantitativo Semi-quantitativo


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Descrizione & Proprietà

The CytoQuant® Electrolyte Solution was specifically developed for the CytoQuant® mobile flow cytometer and it is intended for the adjustment of the conductivity of liquid samples to be measured with the device. The solution is practically free of bacteria and other particles.
MicrobiologiaMicroorganismi indicatori, Residui alimentari
Tecnologia/ApplicazioneCitometro a flusso portatile
Temperatura di conservazione15°C - 25°C
Tipo di risultatoQuantitativo, Semi-quantitativo
Prodotto/ambienteEnvironmental Monitoring, Product Testing